Kansas City, Missouri |
1709 Walnut St, Kansas City, MO, 64108
20 Screens
Video Scoreboard
3 Performance Spaces
Digital Signage
Every business has a story to tell. With five decades under their belt, Big Brothers Big Sisters has plenty. Each one of their stories begins with a match of a little brother/sister with a big brother/sister. The bond the forms between them provides a life changing friendship and support system for both the big and the little for years to come.
In 2014, Michael Lawrence, CEO, moved into a new building in the Crossroads with one goal in mind; to tell BBBS's story. The key to completing this task was finding a way to communicate up to the minute information both internally to the staff and externally to potential matchmakers and bigs. AV Solutions stepped up to the challenge.
From the lobby, to the various conference rooms, to the open theater there are 20 screens telling the story of BBBS. At any time you can see the stories of BBBS reaching out to the community, a match being made, real time stats to keep staff on track or specialized materials for visiting donors. You can not move throughout the facility without feeling the impact that BBBS has had on so many young lives and the community.
"Relationships are important to me." says Michael. Through this process, BBBS and AV Solutions built a relationship and continue to partner together to share the BBBS story.